11-11 Feb 2021 Paris (France)

First Webinar - Unknown Omics

Date: Thursday, February 11th, from 2 to 4 pm (GMT +1)
Organizers : Lucie Bittner (Sorbonne Université) and Eric Pelletier (CEA/Genoscope)
Objectives: Three high level lectures covering various aspects of dealing with the unknowns in the environments through omics approaches, followed by a round table.
* Gabriel Markov *
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, UMR8227 Integrative Biology of Marine Models (LBI2M), Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
Inferring biochemical reactions and small molecule structures to understand metabolic pathway evolution
* Elodie Duprat *
Sorbonne Université, IMPMC (UMR 7590), Equipe Bioinformatique et Biophysique, Paris, France
Exploring the dark proteome of bacteria: insight into protein structural features
* Chiara Vanni *
Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics Research Group, Max Planck, Institute for Marine Microbiology, and Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
Light into the darkness: Unifying the known and unknown coding sequence space in microbiome analyses  
Please register on this SciencesConf website, 
a link to attend the webinar will be sent on February the 11th, at 11 am (GMT+1).
To register for the conference, first create an account on the SciencesConf system on this page
then come back here and register for the webinar.
If you have problem to register on the SciencesConf system, send us an email, with your name and institution at darkomics1stweb@sciencesconf.org, we will directly register you.

The webinar will be organized with Teams Microsoft, so be careful to register on Teams or to have access to a recent web browser before the meeting.
The webinar will be recorded and later be available online on the GDR GE website
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